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class FileLogger: std.experimental.logger.core.Logger;

This Logger implementation writes log messages to the associated file. The name of the file has to be passed on construction time. If the file is already present new log messages will be append at its end.

@safe this(in string fn, const LogLevel lv =;

A constructor for the FileLogger Logger.


string fn The filename of the output file of the FileLogger. If that file can not be opened for writting an exception will be thrown.
LogLevel lv The LogLevel for the FileLogger. By default the LogLevel for FileLogger is


auto l1 = new FileLogger("logFile", "loggerName");
auto l2 = new FileLogger("logFile", "loggerName", LogLevel.fatal);

@safe this(File file, const LogLevel lv =;

A constructor for the FileLogger Logger that takes a reference to a File.

The File passed must be open for all the log call to the FileLogger. If the File gets closed, using the FileLogger for logging will result in undefined behaviour.


File file The file used for logging.
LogLevel lv The LogLevel for the FileLogger. By default the LogLevel for FileLogger is


auto file = File("logFile.log", "w");
auto l1 = new FileLogger(file, "LoggerName");
auto l2 = new FileLogger(file, "LoggerName", LogLevel.fatal);

@property @safe File file();

If the FileLogger is managing the File it logs to, this method will return a reference to this File.

string getFilename();

If the FileLogger was constructed with a filename, this method returns this filename. Otherwise an empty string is returned.